About Seeds of Health

About Seeds of Health

In my personal search for health and purpose, I stumbled across many experiences that are fuel for an interesting story. Some are laugh-out-loud funny. But when you connect a few of these moments, a deeper, more serious issue begins to emerge.

Take these encounters, for example:

The eye doctor: “I don’t know what you’re doing here.”
The dermatologist: “You’ll never have perfect skin.”
The physiotherapist who left me hooked up to an electrical stimulation machine while making out with a colleague.
The gynecologist redoing her makeup while “listening” to me.

Thankfully, not all my experiences were like this—I also have my miracle stories. Over time, I came to realize that true healing doesn’t mean giving away your power or becoming fully dependent on others.

There is so much we can do ourselves to support our health! But this wisdom has often been lost—it’s no longer taught in schools, nor is it passed down through families as it once was.

Out of a desire to help reintroduce this knowledge into the world, I created Seeds of Health. Through my blog, I share insights, stories, and practical tools—seeds—to empower others to cultivate their own health.

Ready to explore?

Balance Your Body, Transform Your Life.

Images from left to right, me, freepik, me, Engin Akyurt on pexels, me