Did you know that bananas are berries? Botanically speaking, they fit the jacket of a berry, as they are fruits coming from one single pistil, […]
Why a healthy gut is so important
Smelly farts, bloated, abdominal pains. Being unnecessarily irritated, anxious for inexplicable reasons, always tired, depressed, gaining weight. IBS, SIBO, diabetes, autism, MS.All of the above […]
Why is it important to know how your digestive system works?
Eating is awesome! Food tastes good, and it keeps you alive! And, when done properly, eating doesn’t just keep you alive; it also gives you […]
Mango ~ Food as Medicine
We all know those pills, creams, eyedrops, and nosesprays—those’solutions’ when things have gone wrong with your health. Many of them are purely synthetic, meaning they […]
Power up your day with these 7 simple habits and diet tips
And none of them is to drink more coffee. As delicious as it is, coffee is not what keeps us going. If you use it […]
How our body creates energy
So, Ayahuasca turned me into a health coach by scaring the shit out of me. Still, after that trip, I remained faithful to the field […]
Did Ayahuasca tell you to become a health coach?
Friends love to make fun of my crazy adventures and sudden life shits. The above question came as a joke but got me thinking about […]
Dandelions in the Amazon ~ About me, this blog and life in the rainforest.
Once upon a time … the Patroness of Flowers set out on a journey. She wished to ask the flowers where, of all places in […]