Research suggests that our ancestors in the Paleolithic era ate about 100 grams of fiber per day. Nowadays, the average person consumes only about 15 […]
Tag: preventative medicine
Foods for a better mood
Did you know that what you eat can have a powerful impact on how you feel? The connection between diet and mood is rooted in […]
Do Women Need to Eat Carbs to Have a Healthy Period?
Pause. Please take a moment to consider the above question and try to answer it. It’s okay if you don’t know the exact answer—just make […]
Watermelon ~ Food as Medicine
Summer is here, and melons are coming back in stores. That is, if you find yourself in the northern hemisphere of our planet. Over here […]
Organic, biological, ecological, local, seasonal, regenerative… Does it really make a difference what you eat?
Yes, it does! Try to imagine the following: fresh peas that you got from a nearby small farm. No synthetic fertilisers or pesticides were used. […]
Why a healthy gut is so important
Smelly farts, bloated, abdominal pains. Being unnecessarily irritated, anxious for inexplicable reasons, always tired, depressed, gaining weight. IBS, SIBO, diabetes, autism, MS.All of the above […]
Power up your day with these 7 simple habits and diet tips
And none of them is to drink more coffee. As delicious as it is, coffee is not what keeps us going. If you use it […]
How our body creates energy
So, Ayahuasca turned me into a health coach by scaring the shit out of me. Still, after that trip, I remained faithful to the field […]